SCANN Lab Manual
01 September, 2022
Chapter 1 Welcome
Welcome to the Spatial Cognition and Navigational Neuroscience Laboratory at the University of Florida, directed by Steven Weisberg.
If you are new to the lab, your first job is to read through this manual, then go through the onboarding checklist, which you will be added to by a lab manager.
If you are considering applying to work in the lab, find application forms (for undergraduate RAs) and how to contact Dr. Weisberg (for anyone else) here.
Maybe you are just joining the lab or need a refresher on lab policy. Or maybe you’re just curious about how we do things. Either way, we’re glad you’re here! This lab manual is an introduction to how we do work and science in the SCANN lab. The material you find here describes some overarching lab policies, the lab structure, and how to get started. It is also a living document and the manual itself is an introduction to some of the tools you will use when working in the lab (like RStudio, Git, and Slack).
Our lab manual is open to the public and can be shared under a GNU-3.0 license (the Github repo is here), but we have also borrowed heavily from others, including Jeremy Manning, Samuel Mehr, Mariam Aly, and Jonathan Peelle, and Candice Morey.
You can find the SCANN lab across the internet:
You will also find our lab wiki here.